
Voyage du vert


Eye candy, red wood sorrel, pumpkin rock, blueberry compote, cream fraiche, zeta crispy
眼裡的糖果,酢漿草, 南瓜石頭, 藍莓果醬, 跳跳糖

The spring snowman, melting, sprouts of buds and flowers, granita and mocchi dough
春天的雪人, 初醒的花苗, 融化的碎冰,

Mounds of green, manchurian wild rice crisps, chamomile distillate, mint and sorrel of various kinds
綠意的山坡, 脆的,黃春菊香水, 不同種類的薄荷

The delicious onions, charred, grilled, pickled, and stir-fried partially covered in soil
可口的洋蔥, 烤的, 醃的, 炒的, 覆蓋在部分的土壤裡

“Reap,” micro-mustard leaves and red prawn
”收割,“ 芥末苗, 胭脂蝦

Homemade, 38°cultured yogurt, stonecrop, almonds, wood sorrel and lemon scented oil
自製的味道, 38度發酵的酸乳, 石蓮花, 杏仁, 萊姆油

The “Vegetarian” farm, blood pudding, faux beef, caviar
素食的農田, 血布丁, 似牛肉, 魚子

Frozen, squid, lemon verbena oil locket, bartlett pear, seaweed paste
凍, 烏賊, 馬鞭草油玻璃, 西洋梨, 海草醬

The Forest, the birds, and the damp, pork rib, blanched roe, and dehydrated green confetti
潮濕的森林, 鳥聲, 豬肋排, 乾燥的地面覆蓋植物

Garden, rose, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, and many other flowers you may find in he garden
花園, 玫瑰, 菊花, 朱僅, 和很多會在花園裡出現的

Pitaya and berry soup, pickled pitaya logs, blackberries, baby cucumbers
火龍果和漿果湯, 醃製的火龍果, 黑莓, 小黃瓜

The “cold” hot spring, the reactive volcanic reaction
冷的溫泉, 反作用的火山反應

For our beloved earth, “a gift”




dinner only / 晚餐

Please note that the menu is subject to change
請注意目前所列出的菜單, 由於材料季節的變化是會有所改變的